Having knowledge on the framework of a cigar is important prior to cutting because many people purchase cigars and are sometimes left unsatisfied with the smoke because they aren’t educated on the proper way to cut it. The anatomy of a cigar can be compared to that of the human body. The top of the cigar is referred to as the head and it is the part you place your mouth on to smoke from. Right below that, where the cigar girth begins to expand, is called the shoulder. The body makes up the majority of the cigar and extends from the shoulder to the foot. The foot of the cigar is the bottom where the smoke is released. There are four commonly used methods of cutting a cigar: straight cut, v cut, punch, and biting.
Straight cut is the most familiar and universal cut for a cigar. In order to execute a perfect straight cut, the first step is to identify the head of the cigar. This is the end you will cut. You can recognize the head because it is the end that has a cap on it. It is also the end closest to the band, which is generally the label/logo of the cigar company you purchased your cigar from. The next step is to determine where the head ends and the shoulder begins. To accomplish a precise straight cut you must cut the cigar head to the point directly above the shoulder. This is where the curved tip begins to run in a parallel direction. Hold the cutter with your thumb and index finger and position the cigar into the cutter. Remember that if you cut too much off you may ruin the cigar, so if you are unsure of the proper place to cut, it is best to cut slightly less because you can always go back and remove more of the tip if needed. Finally, the cut needs to be performed in one quick motion, using a lot of force until it is cut all the way through.
While a straight cut is a bit easier to use, a v cut is a more sophisticated and intricate tool. This style cutter allows for more draw on the cigar because it creates a deeper incision into the head. The proper way to use a v cut is to position the head of the cigar into the cavity of the cutter. Be cautious not to force the head of the cigar too deep into the cutter, as it may remove too much of the cigar, which can result in the wrapper unraveling. Once the cut is completed to your satisfaction, gently blow into the wedge to extract any loose tobacco. Although the v cut is intended to generate a bigger draw than a straight cut by cutting deeper into the head, if the incision is too big it can produce too big of a draw. An advantage of using a v cut is that the smaller airway increases the flavor of the cigar. Similarly to the straight cut, the cutting action needs to be performed in one quick and swift motion and results are optimal when the blade is severely sharp.
A cigar punch is the most straightforward and easiest approach to cutting, as it essentially just punches a hole through the head of the cigar. Comparable to the v cut, a punch cut also leaves a smaller airway in the cigar, which effectively maximizes the flavor. In order to achieve an accurate punch cut, the first step is to align the punch over the center of the head of the cigar. Once the blade is in place, carefully twist it back and forth, while gently applying pressure to carve a narrow hole. As you withdraw the punch from the maduro cigar, the cut portion will simultaneously be extracted. Finally, gently blow into the hole to eliminate any loose tobacco. If the cigar embodies an exceptionally large circumference, you can perform this process several times until you have an adequate draw. There are three distinct kinds of cigar punches: a bullet punch, a havana punch, and a multi-punch. Results are advantageous if you select a suitable punch size. A bullet punch is relatively small and twists to reveal a circular blade that penetrates the head of the cigar. A havana punch has a hollowed tip that punctures the cigar head and removes the tobacco plug after an incision is made. It is also marginally safer than a bullet punch. A multi-punch provides various sizes for punching different sizes of cigars.
Biting is not a recommended method of cutting a cigar, however it is an effective last resort remedy when desperate. Biting is performed by using your incisors to slowly and gently separate the cap from the shoulder of the cigar. This technique is most successfully accomplished by rotating the cigar as you continue to bite. Attempt to recreate a straight cut with your teeth. Bear in mind, this method is imprecise and can, therefore, result in an unsatisfying smoke. It is always recommended to use a precise tool if one is accessible.