2022 was an incredible year for Escobar Cigars, solidifying its place as a premier new cigar brand in the world. The company enjoyed tremendous success, both in terms of sales and in terms of prestige. One of the major contributing factors to the brand's success was its association with music icon and company co-owner Nasir Jones, also known as Nas.
Nas has been a vocal proponent of Escobar Cigars, frequently mentioning the brand in his music and even collaborating with the company on an upcoming limited-edition line of cigars. In 2021 and 2022, several songs by Nas featured Escobar Cigars. Finishing the year Escobar Cigars was featured with Nas on the cover of CIGAR AND SPIRITS MAGAZINE.
But it wasn't just Nas who was singing the praises of Escobar Cigars. The brand was spotted being smoked by numerous celebrities, including professional athletes, actors, comedians, and musicians.
The success of Escobar Cigars in 2022 was due in large part to the company's commitment to organic growth, along with a focus on quality and craftsmanship. The cigars are expertly crafted using only the finest tobacco leaves grown mostly in the Nicaragua, and are aged to ensure a smooth and satisfying smoke.
The brand's cigars are also visually striking, with cigars hand-rolled to give them a unique and elegant shape, and packaged in beautiful black boxes that are perfect for gifting or displaying in your humidor.
Overall, 2022 was an incredible year for Escobar Cigars and only continuing to grow in 2023. The brand's Co-Ownership with music icon Nas, and being smoked by numerous celebrities solidified its place as the newest and fastest growing cigar brand in the world. With the company's commitment to quality and craftsmanship, it's clear that the future is bright for Escobar Cigars.