What is the Difference Between Habano and a Natural Cigar?
Although the origin of cigars is nebulous, cigars have a long and interesting history. Initially, there were few varieties of tobacco to blend compared to contemporary ones. For instance, if your cigar was the Caribbean, almost all its tobacco content was sourced from the Caribbean.
Nowadays, a sheer variety of wrapper leaves distinguish types of cigars. The most predominant factor that differentiates cigars is the color of the wrapper leaf. Cigars are also distinguished by their flavor, as discussed in this article. Below is a handy guide that articulates the differences and types between Habano and Natural cigars.
Habano Cigars
Habano cigars have a naturally darker wrapper, and no artificial process is utilized to enforce the color. The fermentation process also enhances dark pigmentation. The Habano wrapper leaf has two strains, the Habano and the Habano 2000. Their origin is from Cuba and has spread out in various regions such as Ecuador and Nicaragua.
One adorable trait about the Habano cigar wrapper is its spicy flavor. Its aroma has a rich profile of coffee, cedar, and other spices common in Habano profiles. This is attributed to the volcanic soil and favorable climate contributing to its uniqueness in ideal growing zones.
According to Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia, the maker of myriad varieties of premium cigars, Habano is one of the best wrappers globally. This is reciprocated by its thick, rich, and oily traits. In addition, its veins are hardly seen, which elevates its uniqueness.
Types of Habano Cigars
As stated earlier, Habano wrappers spread to Ecuador and Nicaragua, which also distinguishes its varieties as discussed below:
· Ecuadorian Habano
Ecuador is a renowned country for producing the world’s best cigar wrappers. Ecuadorian Habano wrapper is widely utilized in wrapping premium cigars. This is attributed to the rich and fertile soils due to over 30 active volcanoes in the country. They nourish the soil with minerals and ash, which provides a rich soil medium for the growth of tobacco.
Another interesting factor is that Ecuadorian Habanos grow taller and produce oily leaves. This makes it more pliable as compared to other varieties. Its uniqueness is also based on the fact that fermentation and aging can result in a bold, heavily spiced, or medium-bodied and sweet cigar. Ecuadorian Habano produces an aesthetically uniform cigar with impeccable combustion, which blends in flavor and balance of a premium cigar.
· Nicaraguan Habano
Its prevalence does not match the Ecuadorian Habano's, but it has been utilized in some stronger cigars. Nicaraguan cigar is a value-oriented variety of the Habano wrappers that creates a bold and powerful Cuban-style smoke.
Nicaraguan Habano has small plants, and its leaves have a beefy profile. It has notes of wood, cayenne, leather, and black pepper, which are inevitably noticed. It is normally sun-grown, which results in a thinner leaf. Some active volcanoes in the country create a favorable growing aura that results in a sweet and spicy tobacco variety.
Natural Cigars
Natural wrappers have a lighter color and flavor due to the processing of the leaves. They are also grown with less exposure to the sun under a cheese cloth. They are then dried slowly to eliminate bitterness which also initiates a tan appearance. Initially, Natural wrappers had a uniform lighter flavor but have been revolutionized to a great variety of cigars. The distinction is also attributed to growing in different regions and using different seeds.
Color and Taste
Natural cigar’s wrapper leaf has a blond or tan color. Some varieties have a darkish brown color, and natural wrappers do not have a sweet, smooth taste compared to Maduro.
Types of Natural Cigar Wrappers
· Connecticut Shade
This variety has the lightest color among the Natural cigar wrappers. It also has a sweet flavor, and there are various types used for premium hand-made cigars. The original Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf comes from the state of Connecticut and produces unique tasting tobacco.
Connecticut Shade is grown under tents harbored with translucent nylon covering to inhibit exposure from excess sun. This results in a milder flavor, and its color may vary from light golden brown to dark bronze.
· Corojo
It is darker than the Connecticut Shade, and its oily and reddish-brown color distinguishes it from other natural cigar varieties. Corojo was initially used in all Cuban cigars and was renowned for its spicy flavor.
Due to its susceptibility to diseases that weakened the variety, hybrid forms of Corojo were invented. Th last pure Corojo was planted in the late 1990s in Cuba. These hybrids are grown in different countries, and some of the most common include Honduran Corojo, Habano 2000 (intermix of Corojo and milder Cuban Tobacco, Corojo ’99, Nicaraguan Corojo ’99, and Mexican San Andres Corojo.
Factors That Determine Quality Cigar
Manufacturing standards: This involves fermentation, aging, and storage. The recommended fermentation period is between one and three years. Cigar experts recommend that tobacco should be stored in warehouses with high ceilings and adequate ventilation.
Hand-made: Hand-made cigars are also considered the best. This is because they are well crafted to enhance combustibility. It has slow and sustained combustion from the beginning to the end, which allows you to enjoy its utmost aroma. You will also notice an impeccable separation between the ash and cigar.
Taste: The adamant element that enhances good taste is a balance between nicotine and oils. Tobacco that has undergone proper fermentation delivers a smooth and aromatic smoke.
Wrapper leaf: A full leaf that is homogenous, smooth, and free from veins promotes quality and well-crafted cigars. The elasticity of the leaf also has substantial effects on the wrapping quality.
Bottom Line
Cigars have been around for thousands of years, and they are a classy way to smoke your tobacco. There are numerous Cigar varieties that are categorized by their wrapper leaf color. Other factors that distinguish cigar types include taste, aroma, their origin, among others.
Natural cigars have a light taste and color compared to the Habana type. In addition, Natural cigars are grown under the shade while Habana varieties are exposed to the sun. This is a factor that creates numerous distinctions in these cigar types.