Puros Privados
Escobar Cigars Habano
Experience the refined intensity of the Escobar Cigars Habano, meticulously crafted by the esteemed AJ Fernandez. This exceptional cigar features a rich Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that envelops a robust Nicaraguan binder, complemented by a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers.
Designed for those who appreciate a fuller, more nuanced smoking experience, this medium-plus-bodied cigar delivers a complex array of flavors. The Ecuadorian Habano wrapper introduces a bold, earthy richness, while the Nicaraguan binder and fillers enhance the profile with deep notes of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, and a touch of pepper. These robust flavors are harmoniously balanced by subtle hints of cedar, leather, and a smooth, creamy undertone.
Ideal for aficionados seeking a cigar with depth and sophistication, the Escobar Cigars Habano provides a luxurious and satisfying smoke. Whether for a special occasion or a moment of pure indulgence, this blend promises a memorable and exquisite experience, showcasing the unparalleled craftsmanship of Escobar Cigars.
RETAILERS AND DISTRIBUTORS TO ORDER email: Orders@escobarcigars.com OR
Call (844) 780-0157